D2.1 – SmartCLIDE Innovative Approaches and Features on Services Discovery, Creation, Composition and Deployment

The current document (D2.1) constitutes the first version of deliverable “SmartCLIDE Innovative Approaches and Features on Services Discovery, Creation, Composition and Deployment” of the SmartCLIDE project. The aim of the deliverable is two-fold: (a) to describe novel approaches for service discovery, creation, composition, and deployment; and (b) to provide details on the adoption of existing technological approaches for service discovery, creation, composition, and deployment. The first version of the deliverable will present: (a) an approach for service discovery and classification; (b) an initial version of service registry—the querying process will be finalized in the final version of D2.1; (c) a process for service creation and service specification; (d) an initial approach for source code generation—mostly focused on design pattern selection and skeleton creation; (e) a process for service composition; (f) an initial version for AI support in service composition; (g) an initial process for testing services and workflows; (h) an initial version for the security, maintainability, and reusability assessment of services and workflows; and (i) a process for service and workflow deployment.

Given the above, apart from the finalization of the aforementioned initial versions of approaches the final version of the deliverable will contribute: (a) service specification for runtime monitoring and verification; (b) source code autocomplete suggestions; (c) approaches for requirements assessment; and (d) approaches for service monitoring upon deployment.



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