Deliverable “D3.1 Early SmartCLIDE IDE Design” is part of WP3 and is produced as the main outcome of Task 3.1 “Design, development and unit testing of the User Interface”, Task 3.2 “Design, development and unit testing of the Deep Learning Engine”, and Task 3.3 “Design, development and unit testing of the Backend Services”. The main objective of WP3 is to design, develop, and unit test the three main SmartCLIDE framework components, namely User Interface (UI), Deep Learning Engine (DLE), and the Backend Components. The purpose of this deliverable is to report the early design approach and technical progress that has been conducted until M20. The emphasis is given on the front and backend of the SmartCLIDE Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This deliverable is based on the outcome of previous WP1 deliverables, namely “D1.4 the SmartCLIDE Concept” and “D1.5 Design of SmartCLIDE Architecture”. Besides, there is a strong link with WP2, where technology providers have performed research-oriented tasks, which have been documented in “D2.1 SmartCLIDE Innovative Approaches and Features on Services Discovery, Creation, Composition, and Deployment”. This is the first version of deliverable, which is going to be updated in M30.
D3.1 – Early SmartCLIDE Cloud IDE Design
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