D1.4 – The SmartCLIDE Concept

The current document presents the SmartCLIDE Concept. The work described in this document is part of T1.4 Design of SmartCLIDE System Concept for WP1 – Specification of SmartCLIDE concept and pilot cases.

The objectives of this task can be summarised in the points below:

  • Definition of the features and the functionalities required for the project,
  • Identification of the basic functionality for the SW components that will be developed within this project,
  • Elaboration of the project concept based on the collected requirements.

This document summarises the concept of the envisaged SmartCLIDE solution, based on the requirements of the industrial partners, as well as the state-of-the-art, including the basic approach for each of the main SW services and components.

The main result of these activities is the high-level concept for the SmartCLIDE solution, which will serve as the starting point for the detailed design documents.



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