D6.3 – Early Project Presentation and brochure

According to the predefined rules exposed at the beginning of the SmartCLIDE project, project presentation and brochure will be issued in this section. All the images and materials created (Brochure, poster, Roll up for conferences, and project templates) could be downloaded and are, of course, open to use as Creative Commons. This report gives an overview of the SmartCLIDE project public website dissemination area (Dissemination Kit, Blog and Follow up) and internal website and collaboration support.

The public site (www.smartclide.eu) is designed to present the work of the SmartCLIDE project to the general public, the scientific community, and industry. It was already presented with the SmartCLIDE logo on the deliverable D6.3.1.

All partners are collaborating in making local and international news about the goals of the consortium, updating deliverables to the website and keeping the open for public access. Our collaboration infrastructure will be evaluated and upgraded as necessary during the lifetime of the project. All partners are encouraged and reminded regularly to provide additional suggestions and further information regarding activities related to the SmartCLIDE project, so that these can be properly captured and advertised via the project website in order to keep the website current with fresh information and material.

Using the materials provided (printed and online) for their own events and for the events in which the Consortium have presence. (Updated pictures, updated reports, news about the platform, Workshops activities, Interaction with the end users… etc.)

This document will have 3 releases:

  • This first release (D6.3), month 12, describes the first set of assets created for the project.
  • A second release (D6.5), month 24, will present the created assets after 2 years duration
  • A final release (D6.7), month 36, will present the final list of assets created by the project dissemination and communication of the project.



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