We are very proud and happy to announce that Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE has passed the IP review.

This review is very important for the sustainability of the project. It certifies that the code delivered under a specific open source license, in the case of OpenSmartCLIDE, EPL 2.0, is business-friendly. This means that any user can download the code without the risk of compromising their own environment with code that has not been granted by the author to be used freely under the selected open source license. It also means that all its dependencies are compatible with this license, and compatible with each other. With its 38 repositories and almost 9000 dependencies and dependencies of dependencies, this was not a given.

So, thanks to the partners for having taken into account from the beginning of the project the remarks made, thanks to some owners of referenced components for having accepted to change their license to propose their code under a compatible license, and thanks to the IP team for the quality of their review.

Long life to Eclipse OpenSmartCLIDE!

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